Our Corporate Social Investment projects target communities neighbouring KenGen’s 25 power stations as these are the most affected by socioeconomic and environmental impacts of the plants’ installation. Most of these communities are rural based and marginalized, with a heavy reliance on rain-fed economic activities for their livelihood. As a result, our community projects are based on the common challenges identified by the communities themselves, the interconnection of economies in these areas, and their alignment to the regional goals of individual county governments.

Our Corporate Social Investment programs and projects are guided by the following:

  • The programs must address pressing needs in the community that affect the poor and marginalized.
  • They must  involve communities in the planning and implementation phases to ensure transparent use of resources
  • Programs should include public and private partnerships offering monetary and/or non-monetary support
  • They have a built-in aspect of monitoring and evaluation to ensure progress and demonstrate short and long-term benefits
  • All programs show how they will achieve sustainability and have clear exit plans.

The 25 power stations (15 hydro, 5 geothermal, 1 wind and 2 thermal plants) around which our communities are located, are in Western, Eastern, Central, Northern and Coastal regions of the country, reflecting our geographically spread country-wide.

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About KenGen:

kengen - logoKenya Electricity Generating Company Limited, KenGen is the leading electric power generation company in Kenya, producing about 80 percent of electricity consumed in the country. The company utilizes various sources to generate electricity ranging from hydro, geothermal, thermal and wind. Hydro is the leading source, with an installed capacity of 819.9MW, which is 51 per cent of the company-installed capacity. Geothermal comes second with 518.8MW from the innovative wellheads technology raising geothermal capacity to about 32% of the total installed capacity. However with the commissioning of the 280MW Geothermal project in Olkaria, geothermal now accounts for more than 50% of the electricity consumed by Kenyans. Diesel & Gas account for the production of 253.0MW, while wind makes a total of 25.5 MW.

KenGen has a workforce of 2,427 staff located at different power plants in the country. With its wealth of experience, established corporate base and a clear vision, the company intends to maintain leadership in the liberalised electric energy sub-sector in Kenya and the Eastern Africa Region

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