{VIDEO} KenGen Foundation Partners with Inua Dada Foundation for the UN Day of The Girl Child 2015.
2015 is an opportune time to consider the importance of social, economic, and political investment in the power of adolescent girls as fundamental to breaking the intergenerational transmission of poverty, violence, exclusion, and discrimination and to achieving equitable and sustainable development outcomes.
As the global community launches the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for implementation over the next 15 years, it is a good time to recognise the achievements made in supporting young girls, while at the same time aspiring to support the current and upcoming generation of adolescent girls, to truly fulfill their potential as key actors in achieving a sustainable and equitable world.
This includes obtaining quality secondary and higher education, avoiding child marriage, receiving information and services related to puberty and reproductive health, and protecting themselves against unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease and gender-based violence.
Inua Dada Foundation works to identify issues like lack of sanitary towels, suitable sanitation facilities, access to basic health care and support services that affects the attendance and performance of primary school girls in Kenya.
–Ernest Nyamasyo, Communications Officer