
Upper Tana World Bank CDCF Project Kicks Off With Signing of MoU.

committed to long-term and sustainable community projects under CDM, especially focusing on Education and Environment. He urged the participants to help conserve the environment, not only for the current, but also future generations.

Kiambaa Primary School will benefit from the construction of a new classroom, refurbishment of the head master’s office, staff room, and nine other classrooms. Construction of the Mirira footpath at the power station’s inlet is expected to boost the area’s income generation through the ease of movement between the six villages of Kairo, Gakindu, Matithi, Kayuyu and Kaingojo and the three local markets at Makutano Town.

Agnes Kabata expressed her shock and delight at being appointed the chairperson for the project implementation committee for the construction of the footpath and promised to ensure the successful execution of the project. His counterpart Elijah Mwangi for Kiambaa Primary school project assured the participants of a good job as per the guidelines set in the MoU.

The two projects are expected to be completed before end of December, 2016.

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Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer

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