
Tax Exemption Status Marks Coming of Age for KenGen Foundation

The KenGen Foundation is proud to announce that is has been granted Tax Exemption Status by the Kenya Revenue Authority. This achievement was confirmed on 13th September 2021 and marks a major milestone for the organization.

Receiving the certificate presented by the Foundation’s Managing Trustee Anthony Igecha, the M.D. and C.E.O Mrs Rebecca Miano congratulated the Finance and Foundation teams for a job well done. The tax exemption status raises the profile of the Foundation having joined a very exclusive club of tax exempt Non Profit Organisations in the country

The status sets the Foundation apart from its industry peers in that income received by the organization for Corporate Social Investment activities will not be subject to tax. This means that the income available from CSI can be channeled to do charitable activities increases.

It also means that donations made to the Foundations by KenGen will be deducted against KenGen’s income as an expense and hence reduces the tax burden on the Company.

The tax exemption process demanded a separate audit of the Foundation’s books of accounts and included interview sessions with the Company’s CSI beneficiaries conducted by KRA. Thanks to the dedication and focus of KenGen’s Tax and Finance departments, the exercise that has taken eight years has finally bore fruit.

Other benefits from the exemption include increased donor confidence in project funding, which improves KenGen’s overall corporate brand.

The milestone comes at a crucial time when the Foundation is commencing its consultancy for a 10-year strategic plan that will see it align CSI programs with KenGen strategy.

An added bonus of the exemption is the increase of the CSI kitty thus improving the overall impact of the Company’s social programmes.

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Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer


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