Sondu Community Embrace Western Hydros’ #GivingTuesday Donations
Fifty families from Nyadero Community, Nyakach Sub-County, Kisumu benefited from Western Hydros Giver donations of mosquito nets and bed sheets during this year’s #GivingTuesday on 1st and 4th December.
Led by Area Giver Champions Peter Ngachuro and Hellen Onchari, Western Hydros Givers mobilized and visited the homesteads in the villages of Kasaye, Kolweny, and Sayema, located near a mosquito infested marsh of Lake Victoria in order to address the rising cases of malaria in the area.
The #GivingTuesday activity targeted vulnerable needy families with breastfeeding children, and those with children under 5 years in a area where official records indicate that child mortality rates are as high as 40% due to malaria.
“The community really appreciated the kind gesture from KenGen”, said Peter, adding that the donations will go a long way in changing the lives of the targeted families.

Approximately 50 homesteads with children under 5 years benefitted from the #GivingTuesday activity.
#GivingTuesday is an annual call-to-action for corporate organizations to encourage and amplify small acts of kindness. From giving donations, time or resources, #Giving Tuesday harnesses the power of social media and people’s innate generosity to create real positive change in their communities.
This year, #GivingTuesday coincided with a public holiday, however, the KenGen Foundation and Area Giver Champions remain committed to continue with the giving spirit associated with the December holidays.
Like other organizations, KenGen Foundation promotes Giving Tuesday on social media using the hashtag #GivingTuesday, #GivingTuesdayKE, and #KenGenGiver, with a lot of positive feedback from across the globe on the charity activities.
Other areas are set to engage in their #GivingTuesday activities over the next few weeks.
Follow us on Twitter through @KenGen_Foundatn and like our Facebook page for more updates.
–Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer