New ‘Green’ Teachers Trained for GIC Phase III
198 teachers, including head teachers and principals from 90 schools in the semi-arid areas of Embu, Machakos and Kitui counties underwent a capacity building exercise from 1-3 March in preparation of their taking part in phase III of the Schools’ Green Initiative Challenge program
The training, facilitated by the KenGen Foundation, Better Globe Forestry, Bamburi Cement, National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and Kenya Forest Service (KFS) aimed to equip the new ‘Green Teachers’ and school heads with the necessary skills and information on how to participate and manage the afforestation competition.
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KenGen Foundation Senior Programs Officer Anthony Igecha says the inclusion in the training of the schools’ head teachers during phase three of the afforestation competition is crucial for the successful implementation of the project.

School heads and Environmental Club Patrons at one of the trainings held at Mbondoni Secondary School, Kitui County. The inclusion of the headteachers is crucial for the success of the afforestation competition.
“The schools administration need to own the project right from the beginning. This will ensure that the students get full support, and also guarantee the allocation of necessary resources for the project,” said Igecha.
The teachers were coached on the various characteristics of the GIC including
READ HERE: GIC Steering Committee Field Trip To Assess Project