
New ‘Givers’ Sign Up at Western Hydros

Currently, Western Hydros has more than 70% of its staff signed up to the program, making it the KenGen operation area with the highest numbers of subscriptions.

During a cocktail held in appreciation of all Western Hydros Givers, the Foundation’s Managing Trustee Mike Njeru congratulated all subscribers for their efforts and commitment to the initiative.

Western Hydros Givers

A section of Western Hydros Givers during the appreciation cocktail held at Sondu Miriu Power Station.

“Through your contributions, the initiative has enabled the Foundation expand on its sustainable programs including supporting extra students under the education pillar and at the same time scale up the company’s environmental conservation projects”, said Mike Njeru.

“It is through the Giver Initiative that KenGen staff have an opportunity to develop their leadership and project management skills, meet and mingle with community members, as well as staff from other stations from different parts of the country for a noble cause”, he added.

During the appreciation ceremony, Peter Ngachuro, Sondu Miriu’s Community Liaison Officer was nominated as Western Hydros Giver Champion. He is an alumni of the KenGen Education Scholarships.

The Foundation teams will be holding similar ceremonies at other stations over the next month.

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Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer

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