New Givers Sign Up at the 5th G2G Innovation Seminar
The KenGen Foundation’s desk was a beehive of activities as fifteen new ‘Givers’ subscribed to the KenGen Employee Giver Initiative during this year’s G2G Innovation seminar held at Enashipai Resort and Spa from 3-7 July.

KenGen Foundation’s Dorcas Arama at the Foundation’s desk during the 5th G2G Innovation Seminar 2017
Participants and delegates stopped by to inquire, and find out more about how they could get involved in the Company’s Corporate Investment activities through the Employee Giver Initiative which centres its activities on the Foundation’s three key pillars of sustainability namely Environment, Education, and Water & Sanitation.
Under the seminar’s theme of “Partnerships for Innovation”, the Foundation was delighted to welcome the new Givers who will join the more than 800 subscribers in supporting the Company’s Education Scholarships and Mentorship program, reforestation projects, and improving access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene for communities living around KenGen’s power stations.
“I believe that this is a very good initiative for a worthy cause. Helping the needy is a basic instinct to humanity and should be encouraged. The environment gives us resources free, but all it also requires us to manage it sustainably. Let us all join hands and embrace the true spirit of humanity”, said Michael Ogonji, Senior Engineer Capital Planning.
The KenGen Employee Giver Initiative is part of KenGen’s commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen while at the same time adding value to the livelihoods of neighbouring communities.
The initiative is in line with this year’s G2G main objective, which is to encourage employees to embrace and embed innovation in the Company’s operations by coming up with new ideas relating to new business models, revenue generation and cost cutting measures.
KenGen Givers voluntarily contribute and participate in the company’s CSI activities. They also use their time and skills in brainstorming and providing solutions to day-to-day challenges facing the marginalized communities.
The Initiative is also an important channel for diversifying funding for the Company’s CSI projects. It also aims at increasing KenGen employees’ attitudes and feelings of ownership and affiliation to the company’s projects, specifically community ones.
Givers also have a great opportunity to develop their leadership and project management skills, meet and mingle with community members, as well as staff from other stations during the CSI activities.
“It just feels good to give back to the community”, said Faith Katua, Senior IT Auditor and the latest addition to the Giver family.
Karibuni sana new Givers!