KenGen Signs Afforestation Mou With Lake Basin College
KenGen Foundation to oversee the monitoring of the project.

Prof Kimaruka and Mike Njeru sign and exchange copies of the MoU as members of the Central CSR Committee look on.
The KenGen Foundation, KenGen and the Lake Basin College signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the afforestation of Katuk Odeyo area in Nyakach on 20th July. The Mou provides the framework of the cooperation between the parties in regard to the project.
In recognition of the importance of enhancement of green environment, KenGen and the Lake Basin College will mobilize the awareness and participation of education institutions and communities to ensure the success of the project.
The Company will serve as the overall project grantor of seedlings from its Sondu Miriu station nurseries while the Foundation will ensure efficient monitoring, evaluation and future up-scaling of the project. Initially, 3000 seedlings will be provided.
The Lake Basin College will be responsible for ground preparation, planting and nurturing of the trees, provide quarterly progress reports and convene working committee meetings for review. The entire project will be coordinated by a steering committee composed of members from the signing parties.