KenGen Givers showed their enthusiasm in spreading the holiday spirit of giving during this year’s #GivingTuesday with charity activities across the country. The day coincided with the global Worlds AIDs Day on December 1.

Kipevu elderly home visit 1Kipevu – Givers from Kipevu Power Station spent quality time with the elderly at Alms House – a home for the elderly in Mombasa. They brought foodstuff and clothes for the elderly and engaged them with song and conversation – what a good change to the senior citizens.

The Kipevu Givers proceeded to Mji wa Salama Children’s home where they also gave out foodstuff and spent time with the children.

What a busy day for Givers…Kudos to Kipevu Givers.

Central Office – The Stima Plaza Givers represented by the KenGen Foundation staff visited Mama Fauzia Children’s Home where they shared lunch with the children and engaged them in hearty talks and encouraged them in their education. They also presented them with foodstuff to supplement their diet.

Sondu Miriu Giving TuesdaySondu Miriu – Givers from Sondu Miriu Power Station offered first aid services during the marathon held to mark World AIDS Day.

Like other organizations, KenGen Foundation promoted Giving Tuesday on social media using the hashtag #GivingTuesday, #GivingTuesdayKE, and #KenGenGiver, with a lot of positive feedback from across the globe on the charity activities.