
KenGen Foundation Enters Into Kshs. 120 Million Deal to Support Environmental Conservation

The trial project, which kicked off two years ago, enlisted 81 schools, already boasting of enviable small forests and woodlots that are slowly changing the schools’ compound environment. The schools which develop the best woodlots will win competitive prizes including cash awards, water tanks, rain water harvesting systems among others prizes.

Speaking during the event, Bamburi Cement CEO Mr. Bruno Pescheux stated that under the MOU, Bamburi will rehabilitate best performing schools and provide full four year scholarships for secondary school students participating in the project.

“The selection of best performing school will be based on use of innovative methods to ensure survival of trees as well as suitability of the innovation used,” Bruno added

The winning schools in the trial project will be announced in November this year as the expansion program kicks off.
The partners in the ambitious agreement will contribute Kshs. 120 Million to the project with KenGen Foundation contributing KShs. 49 Million, Better Globe KShs. 59 Million, and Bamburi Cement KShs. 10.5 Million.

“Target is to plant 460 acres with 300,000 commercial and wood fuel trees and 113,956 fruits trees in 919 new schools for the next 10 years,” stated the Managing Director of Better Globe Kenya Mr. Jean-Paul Deprins

To here download photos of the Green Initiative Challenge Phase I.

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Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer

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