
KenGen Foundation Enters Into Kshs. 120 Million Deal to Support Environmental Conservation

KenGen Foundation, Better Globe Forestry Ltd and Bamburi Cement Ltd have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the second phase of the Green Initiative Challenge (GIC) Program, a schools afforestation project that mobilizes education institutions to actively participate in environmental restoration and conservation.

Bruno Pescheux CEO of Bamburi - Albert Mugo KenGen Managing Director and Chairman of the KenGen Foundation, Jean-Paul Deprins Managing Director Better Globe Forestry Limited during the signing of the MoU for the Green Initiative Challenge 24 July 15

(L-R) Bruno Pescheux – CEO of Bamburi, Albert Mugo – KenGen Managing Director and Chairman of the KenGen Foundation, and Jean-Paul Deprins – Managing Director Better Globe Forestry Limited during the signing of the MoU for the expansion of Green Initiative Challenge schools afforestation project, 24 July 2015

The GIC program is a KenGen Foundation project in line with Kenya’s 2030 ‘Greening Kenya’ flagship programme that assists schools in water catchment and ASAL areas in tree planting activities in Embu, Machakos and Kitui counties.  The program, starting July 2015, will scale up to a 10-year programme with additional 120 schools annually from Mbeere South, Mbeere North, Masinga and Kitui Sub-Counties.

“We aim to reach 140,000 school children by 2018 and ensure they are benefiting from this programme,” stated the KenGen Foundation’s Board of Trustees Chairman Mr. Albert Mugo. He added that the schools will be used as channels to reach out to the wider community members and encourage tree planting and nurturing.

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