KenGen Foundation and Western Hydros Givers ‘Green’ Katuk-Odeyo with 1,000 Trees

The Foundation’s Managing Trustee Mike Njeru waters a recently planted seedling at Katuk-Odeyo, Nyakach, during the afforestation exercise.
The scorching sun did not deter KenGen Western Hydros staff, Givers, and community members from Nyakach Sub-county from planting over 1,000 trees at Katuk-Odeyo as part of the KenGen’s Corporate Social Investment activities on March 30.
Led by Sondu Miriu’s Operations Manager Frank Konuche, and the Foundation’s Managing Trustee Mike Njeru, the team joined Proffessor Jack Kamiruka, staff, and students of Lake Basin College in the afforestation exercise.
“It is imperative that the community adopts a tree-planting culture to curb the negative effects of climate change and soil erosion”, said Eng. Konuche during the event.
READ HERE: KenGen Signs Afforestation Mou With Lake Basin College
“KenGen as a company is able and ready to provide the tree seedlings towards afforestation in the area and we will increase the number of seedlings to 6,000. Hopefully one day we will also set up a tree nursery for the benefit of the community”, he added.
Echoing the station chief’s sentiment, Mike Njeru called upon the community and area leaders to “take it upon themselves to address environmental destruction before the situation gets worse for help”.
The tree planting exercise follows an MoU signed earlier between the KenGen Foundation and the Lake Basin College that provides the framework of the cooperation between the parties in regard to the afforestation project.
An initial 3,000 seedlings was committed to ‘green’ the Katuk Odeyo project area, which is heavily degraded with huge gullies across the land caused by soil erosion.
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–Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer