KenGen Foundation and Nairobi Greenline Partner to Green Nairobi National Park
The tree planting exercise highlights the important role that corporates can play in conserving the environment and is part of the Foundation’s campaign to plant trees across the country, having recently planted 5,000 trees at its Sang’oro Power Station by Western Hydros Givers.
Nairobi GreenLine Project is a partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service and other corporate organizations formed to conserve what is notably a landmark of Nairobi city to create a buffer zone at the park in order to curb encroachment of the unique ecosystem and prevent human wildlife conflicts.
As one of its key pillars, KenGen Foundation actively contributes towards environmental conservation initiatives that mitigate on the effects of climate change. With many communities dependent on natural resources, conservation of biodiversity, and promotion of environmental awareness is crucial.
Through corporate and community partnerships, the Foundation runs various green projects including the Green Initiative Challenge (GIC) that targets schools to spread a culture of growing trees and conserving natural resources.
Over the next months, KenGen Foundation will organise other tree planting exercises in various KenGen operational areas, which are not covered yet.
Watch out for communication of the next area to participate in this exercise.
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–Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer