
Green Initiative Challenge Expansion Project kicks off with Participating Schools Receiving Tree Seedlings

Senna siamea is locally known as Muveshi and is suitable for sustainable firewood production, while Melia volkensii is known as Mukau, and gives high quality commercial timber. This is the first time fruit trees are being introduced in the project including Passion fruit trees, following the success of GIC Phase I.

The Green Initiative Expansion project is designed as a competition and targets the greening of more than 500 acres of Kitui, Machakos and Embu counties at a cost of Ksh.120, 000,000, and will involve over 140,000 school children by 2018.

The GIC expansion project is in line with Kenya’s 2030 ‘Greening Kenya’ flagship program that assists schools in water catchment areas with tree planting and environmental conservation activities. The three counties are designated arid and semi arid areas that receive very little rainfall annually.

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Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer

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