
GIC Steering Committee Field Trip To Assess Project

Under the punitive scorching sun of the semi-arid areas of of Embu, Kitui and Machakos counties, the Schools Green Initiative Challenge Steering Committee endured rough and dusty roads in a two-day inspection tour to assess the progress of the tree-planting project  from 15 – 16th September.

The team, led by the Foundation’s Managing Trustee Mike Njeru with Better Globe’s Managing Director Jean-Paul Deprins, and Bamburi Cement Ltd. Corporate Affairs, Communications and Sustainable Development Director Susan Maingi, toured several schools participating in the 10-year tree planting competition that aims to green over 460 acres of the three semi-arid counties with wood fuel and commercial tree species.


Better Globe Forestry’s Managing Director Jean-Paul Deprins plants a tree at Thua Primary School.

At Thua Primary School, Kitui County, the team were well received by the school’s headmistress Mrs. Tabitha Mwinzi, and the green teacher Mr Samuel Kitheka who showcased the various innovations they have employed at their woodlots. The school’s environmental club has 47 members dedicated to the nurturing of the tree seedlings.

Read: Nakuru County Next Frontier for GIC

Still at Kitui County, the next stop was Muthoani Primary School, where the neighbouring community has also adopted the tree-planting project. According to the green teacher Mr. Festus Ngau, “despite water challenges, we have partnered with our neighbours to set up a tree nursery at the school from where the community members can acquire seedlings. The schools environmental club members are the ones who tend to the seedlings”.

Kitui County’s Masukanioni Primary School’s green Teacher Mr. Patrick Kyeli informed the Technical Committee members that the students’ parents are very much involved in the development of the project.

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