GIC Expansion Project Technical Committee Conducts First Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Exercise
The students and “green” teachers were eagerly waiting for the team.

KenGen’s Environmental Officer Amos Mbutu advises students at Kwakaindi Primary School, Machakos County on mulching techniques.
Led by Better Globe’s CEO Jan Vandenabeele, the schools showcased their progress in nurturing the tree seedlings two months after they were distributed.
Tyaa Kamuthale Primary School, and Kalatine Primary School from Kitui County impressed the team with their woodlots and innovations for recording high seedlings survival rates, and setting up of environmental clubs specifically for the project.
The team next visited Kwakaindi Primary School in Machakos County, where despite its location in a mostly rocky area, their woodlots were doing well. Other schools visited were Wendano Primary School, and Tulimyumbu Primary School where the green teacher was confident that they would scoop the first prize in the competition.
At Mbarwari Primary School, Embu County, the students showed their commitment by employing the use household tools given out specifically for the project by their parents. They also highlighted the fact that they carry water from home for the trees every morning.