
From Mike with Love

By Frank David Ochieng’

After about two years since inception, the KenGen foundation is now ready to spread its wings to soar the free skies and reach out to the opportunities it was set to achieve.

Alas! The philanthropic cog of our strategic flywheel fires up this month of February – the month of love -and what a way to celebrate saint valentine’s month than by giving and receiving gifts? The promise of the New Year is here!

And talking about the art of giving Mike Njeru the long serving corporate affairs manager, or so he was at least to my colleagues in the fourth estate, is the man to watch.

So ladies if you want chocolates, cakes, sweet scented perfumes, and a bed of red roses, you know who to hunt down now. You have no reason to miss out on this because he will seek you out wherever you are.

Flanked with his dynamic trio-queens of Catherine, Lydia, and Dorcas and right hand man Anthony the team from the KenGen Foundation will be on a road show around all installations

Technical Assurance & Quality, Manager Henry Ithiami planting a Tree at Nalepo Pri Sch Ngong II. Giving back to the environment. with one message – Be a Giver.

Technical Assurance & Quality, Manager Henry Ithiami planting a Tree at Nalepo Pri Sch Ngong II. Giving back to the environment. with one message – Be a Giver.

Like the disciples of Jesus, they will be traversing the length and breadth of this nation from the east to west from central to the coast only this time not for the communities but to teach us how to give.

“We begin the areas wide tour this week for the foundation launch and staff orientation. We have been preparing for this since December last year and we are now ready to move, starting with Olkaria this Wednesday to Friday,” said

Mike Njeru the foundation’s managing trustee. “Most of you have been wanting to know more about the Foundation…why it was established, its duties and responsibilities and its relationship with the Company,” reads in part a mail Mr. Njeru sent out to all staff, adding, “we shall soon be in your area to answer these questions and many more, and to show you not only the role of the foundation in the company, but also your role in the foundation.”

The KenGen Foundation, managing  trustee Mike Njeru teaching pupils  how to care for the environment.

The KenGen Foundation, managing
trustee Mike Njeru teaching pupils
how to care for the environment.

Speaking to KenGen Weekly Mr. Njeru said this will be an opportunity for the foundation to sell the novel idea of employees’ contributions to corporate social investment programs.

“We shall be launching the KenGen Employee Giver Initiative program which seeks to turn all employees into givers,” he told me.

And as sure as the African sun hits the geothermal-active fields of Olkaria from the east, so will the train of the foundation halt in Naivasha to a welcome of over 1,000 members of the geothermal doyens of Olkaria. See you there.

Meanwhile, the Foundation team moved early this month to their new ultramodern office at the RBS Parking Silo.   But that’s a story for another day.

Seems 2015 is set for great things for the KenGen Foundation.


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