Foundation Engages Community over Ndula Museum
The Thika East community together with the area leaders attended a briefing session on the proposed conversion of the historic Ndula Power to a museum held at Kolping Vocational Training Centre, Kilimambogo on April 11. The briefing was made by a team from KenGen, KenGen Foundation and the National Museums of Kenya.
The three parties recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the development of the Museum.
The stakeholders’ meeting was the first step towards involving the community in the process of developing the proposed Ndula Electric Power Museum as part of their heritage. The meeting was also to allay fears widely held by the community that the station was being sold to other parties.

The area leadership and community meet with the KenGen Foundation staff during the stakeholders meeting on the proposed Ndula museum.
The Foundation’s Managing Trustee, Mike Njeru said that the company had noted the concerns raised by the community after the decommissioning of the power plant in 2010. He assured them that the proposed museum will bring multiple benefits to the community and its gazettement as a National Heritage site will ensure it remains their heritage for generations to come.
“Ndula power station is a KenGen family jewel which the KenGen