
Forever Grateful! How Ken Mwangi made the KenGen Scholarship His Stepping Stone.

Ken Mwangi has wide experience in the areas of public policy, public administration and international relations. Having an academic background in Political Science and Public Administration and Communication from the University of Nairobi, and also Law from the University of Zimbabwe, he has initiated and participated in formulation, implementation, advocacy as well as monitoring and evaluation of socio-political policies in Kenya.

Ken Mwangi has served in various youth leadership positions both local and regional. In October 2013, he founded the youth-oriented regional think tank, ‘Intellectus Consultancy’ a youth based regional think tank on public policy and research. He has also extensively engaged in scientific research mainly with institutions of higher learning in Kenya and has published his findings in various academic fronts.

He is also a Youth Senator in charge of Nairobi County where he assists the youth in various projects as well as advocating for policy change.

“I intend to use my knowledge to help young people do their very best, especially in terms of acknowledging that education is the key for a better life”.

-Ernest Nyamasyo, Communications Officer

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