Eye Opener Trip For KenGen Foundation and Eastern Hydros Staff
Imagine expansive villages in one of the driest parts of the country where each family has its own water dam, and where owning the same is an important status symbol.
And did you know that crops don’t need rain to grow, they need water.
Simple farming and water harvesting techniques at the Christian Impact Mission’s Faith Based Community Transformation Centre, Yatta left a lasting impression to the KenGen Foundation and KenGen Eastern Hydros team that was on a ‘look and learn’ tour of the three counties of Embu, Kitui and Machakos last week.

Bishop Masika shows the KenGen team one of his maize nurseries. Unlike traditional farming methods, the maize is nurtured in a nursery and transplanted when they are a few weeks old.
Led by Mike Njeru, the KenGen Foundation’s Managing Trustee, the team visited CIM Resource Centre and met with Dr. Bishop Titus Masika, the Centre’s founder and CEO who showcased simple innovations that can be successfully replicated in all dry areas to permanently address both food and financial insecurity.