Exciting Rewards for Winners of Schools Green Initiative Challenge Phase I
Makutano Primary School, Embu, emerged the third runners up, and was rewarded with an excursion to Gitaru power plant, an eye opening experience on how power is produced for the thirty students and their teachers. They were later treated to lunch and swimming at Matendeni Club, Kamburu.
The Green Initiative Challenge project, currently in phase II, was launched in October 2013, with 81 schools in the 7- Forks area with the aim of addressing massive deforestation in the semi-arid areas of Machakos and Embu Counties through a rural schools-led initiative.
The project aimed at promoting environmental awareness through participation of students and the wider school community. It involves planting tree seedlings and nurturing them to develop woodlots at their institutions for environmental and commercial benefits.
The winners of the Green Initiative Challenge phase I were also rewarded with water tanks, cash prizes and certificates for their exemplary performance in the afforestation competition, despite the challenges mainly attributed to the harsh weather conditions of the semi-arid counties.

Students of Makutano Primary School at KenGen’s Matendeni Club, Kamburu. The student were treated to an en excursion at Gitaru Power Station and later hosted for lunch by the Foundation
“I really thank the KenGen Foundation and the Green Initiative Challenge programme for making our day”, said the school’s headmaster Mr. Robert Mutua. “Makutano Primary School has something to smile about as we head home from this trip”.