
Exciting Gitaru Excursion for the Third GIC Winner School

This was the first time Makutano DEB students were visiting a power plant, and the thrill showed in their glowing faces.

The school employed various innovations to ensure a 45% survival rate of their Mukau and Muveshi tree seedlings at the school’s woodlots during the greening competition sponsored by KenGen Foundation and partners, Better Globe Forestry and Bamburi Cement ltd.

The students, accompanied by their headmaster and environmental club teacher, later visited Matendeni Club at Kamburu for lunch. The District Education Officer, Mbeere South Ms. Grace Mutero, later joined them.

“I really thank the KenGen Foundation and the Green Initiative Challenge programme for making our day”, said the school’s headmaster Mr. Robert Mutua. “Makutano Primary School has something to smile about as we head home from this trip”.

The students spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying themselves at the club’s swimming pool.

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Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer

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