KenGen Community Football Finals

Curtains Close on KenGen’s 7-Forks Community Soccer Tournament 2015

The break must have been good for Dallas FC. A few minutes into the game, Duncan Nzambu opened up from the mid field with a long shot straight past Matendeni’s keeper, whipping the spectators into frenzy.

KenGen-FootballWith the scores reading 2-2, Ken Mburu of Dallas FC stamped his authority in Matendeni’s yard by a brilliant goal that involved clever passes from the mid field players for the striker’s execution. The draw was maintained by end of the full time.

The game proceeded to extra time whose 30 minutes did not bear any fruits for either team, forcing the players to ready their teams for penalty shootouts.

After four attempts from each team, Lyons Ondego from Matendeni FC confirmed his team as champions of the Community Soccer Tournament 2015 with a fine penalty kick which brought the final score 7 for Matendeni against 5 for Dallas.

Engineer Richard Nderitu, KenGen’s Director of Operations, Engineer Francis Kawa, Operation’s Manager – Eastern Hydros and Mike Njeru, the Managing Trustee of KenGen Foundation, presented the trophies for the best teams and players.

The KenGen Community Soccer tournament is a Corporate Social Investment activity geared towards uniting the communities living around the company’s power installations. It is organized under the Sports & Culture sub-committee of the area’s Stakeholders Coordination Committee.

It involved 54 men and16 ladies teams in a four month long knockout competition.

The teams were also presented with cash prizes for the brilliant tournament.

Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer

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