Central Office Boosts Givers numbers
The KenGen Employee Giver Initiative has welcomed 60 new subscribers from the Central Office during the recruitment drive carried out last week. And in a befitting appreciation, the Foundation hosted the old and new members to a colourful cocktail held at the 11th floor of KenGen Pension Plaza 2 on April 12
This brings the number of Givers at the Cental Office to 260, the highest company-wide in proportion to the number of staff per area.
Speaking on behalf of the Givers during the cocktail, KenGen’s Technical Assurance & Quality, Manager Henry Ithiami, a passionate Giver in his own right thanked the Foundation for finding time to appreciate the Givers. “Through the multiplier effect of the Giver Initiative, we are grateful for the opportunities given through the Foundation to serve a bigger purpose. We appreciate the chance of being able to change livelihoods through voluntary giving”, he said.
In a message read by the Foundation’s Managing Trustee Mike Njeru, the MD and CEO Eng. Albert Mugo thanked all the givers as he wrote; “The Foundation appreciates the willing giving and thats why I am a Giver myself”, he said.

The Foundation’s Managing Trustee Mike Njeru (L) with some of the Givers during the awarding ceremony.
The Supply Chain Department received special accolades for registering the highest numbers within the two days of the recruitment exercise, with the Transport Department being recognised as having the most dedicated Givers with more than 80per cent subscribers.
The Chief Guest at the event, the Human Resource and Administration Director Mr. Abraham Serem gave a moving speech on the power of giving which can help alleviate the world’s suffering. “We give not because we have but because we are willing to do so. It is not what someone has but the willingness of his heart that leads to his giving”, he said adding that the Company encourages all employees to engage in philanthropic activities.
Mr. Serem said he was a witness to the great work the Foundation was doing having seen the improvement of Kiambaa Primary School in Upper Tana carried out the Foundation.

Chief Guest at the event, the Human Resource and Administration Director Mr. Abraham Serem giving his speech during the ceremony.
The Managing Trustee noted that the contributions from Givers had managed to raise over Ksh. 4 million which will go a long way in expanding projects under the Foundation’s three main pillars namely Education, Environment, Water & Sanitation. “Currently, we have 8 students benefitting through scholarships funded by the initiative”, he added.
Mr. Njeru encouraged the Givers to recruit their friends and colleagues who are not yet subscribed. Central Office Givers have been actively involved in the company’s Corporate Social Investment activities through the Foundation and its partners. Last year, the Nairobi Givers managed to plant over 1,000 trees at Nairobi National Park’s buffer zone as part of KenGen’s corporate mandate in environmental conservation. A section of the subscribers have committed themselves to the Education Program as mentors.
Elaine Kirui, Purchasing Officer and Patrick Olum from Transport were nominated as Nairobi champions charged with mobilizing and coordinating the Givers and their activities.
The recruitment and appreciation exercises continue in other areas over the next month.
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–Ernest Nyamasyo, Communication Officer