
Schools Tree Planting Awards Come of Age.

Each year, the Schools’ Green Initiative Challenge tree planting project recognizes the winners in each phase. Various prizes are awarded for the top three institutions to appreciate their efforts in mitigating the effects of climate change through sustainable environmental management. The GIC is KenGen Foundation’s flagship environmental conservation programme, and is structured as a competition...
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Kyusyani Primary School Tours Gitaru Power Station

Arriving at the end of the 1-km KenGen Gitaru Power Station’s descending tunnel, 30 young environmentalists from Kyusyani Primary School gazed in amazement at the massive machinery and rumbling turbines as they prepared for their tour of the power plant on 14 June. The students, accompanied by their Green Teacher Josephine Manda, Head Teacher Michael...
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Olkaria Tour and Camping for GIC III Runners Up

A trip to Olkaria Geothermal Power Station was the highlight of the Educational Tour for 30 students from Kwa Wanzilu Secondary School, runners up of Phase III of the Schools Green Initiative Challenge tree planting competition from 6-7 June. Led by Olkaria’s Peter Karuria, KenGen’s Safety Officer, the students started their excursion at the viewpoint...
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Using Mobile Tech in Tracking Tree-planting Projects

The recent rains have been a blessing for schools participating in Phase IV and V of the Schools’ Green Initiative Challenge tree planting competition at Embu, Kitui, and Machakos counties. ‘Green’ teachers, the schools’ environment patrons, had earlier expressed their worries on the chances of survival for the delicate tree seedlings earlier distributed to the...
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