
Schools Green Initiative Challenge Takes Root in Turkwel with Pilot Project.

28 schools from the semi-arid counties of Turkana and West Pokot are the pioneers of the KenGen Foundation’s Schools Green Initiative Challenge tree growing competition in Turkwel following a two-day training and sensitization workshop held at the respective counties, 3rd – 5thMarch. The 14 registered schools from Turkana County and 14 schools West Pokot will compete...
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Top GIC IV Schools Feted in Tree Growing Competition.

Ielanthi, Kakunike and Ndelekeni Primary Schools were recognized as the top three schools that excelled in Phase IV of the Green Initiative Challenge (GIC) schools greening programme during the awarding ceremony held at Ielanthi Primary School, Machakos County 28th February. Ielanthi Primary School, emerged top while Kakunike Primary School, Kitui County came second. At position...
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2nd Capacity Building Sets Stage for Final Leg of GIC V Competition

The KenGen Foundation, in partnership with Better Globe Forestry and Bamburi Cement Ltd., conducted the second and final workshop to review the progress of the Schools Green Initiative Challenge Phase V at various centers in Embu, Kitui and Machakos counties. 165 ‘green’ teachers, including head teachers, from the schools participating in the tree-planting competition attended...
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Scholars Impressed by School Based Tree Planting Competition

The Schools Green Initiative Challenge impressed participants attending a workshop on dry-land agroforestry organized by the Foundation’s project partner Better Globe Forestry at the University of Nairobi – Kabete campus on 16 August. The event was graced by the Ambassador of Belgium to Kenya His Excellency Mr. Nicolas Nihon, the Managing Director of Better Globe...
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