
Addressing Climate Change through Eco-jikos.

Thirty households in Kihara sub-location, Nyandarua County are the recent beneficiaries of energy saving jikos courtesy of KenGen PLC’s Managing Director and CEO Mrs. Rebecca Miano on 29th October. The donations are part of the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility in empowering communities to address climate change. The jikos, which were distributed through the KenGen Foundation,...
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M.D. and CEO Donation Warms the Hearts of Samburu Women

The Managing Director and CEO of KenGen PLC Mrs. Rebecca Miano donated 35 energy-saving jikos through the KenGen Foundation to women groups in Poro Ward, Samburu West Constituency, Samburu County on 29 September. Speaking during the event, the KenGen Foundation’s Managing Trustee Anthony Igecha said that the donation is one of the measures KenGen is...
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1st Capacity Building for Green Teachers in Phase VII of Tree planting Competition.

The scorching October sun was a stark reminder for 148 ‘green’ teachers, including school principals, on the need to embrace environmental conservation in the semi-arid counties of Kitui, Embu, and Machakos. The teachers were attending a three-day capacity building workshop courtesy of the Schools’ Green Initiative Challenge from October 13 – 15. The workshop saw...
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Final Evaluation for Schools’ Tree Planting Competition Phase V

The sustainable management of the schools’ tree nurseries and woodlots will provide them with a renewable source of wood fuel thus reducing pressure on surrounding vegetation and forest resources. It also accords the schools an opportunity to diversify their income through the sale of timber & non-timber products. The afforestation project is designed as a...
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Tax Exemption Status Marks Coming of Age for KenGen Foundation

The KenGen Foundation is proud to announce that is has been granted Tax Exemption Status by the Kenya Revenue Authority. This achievement was confirmed on 13th September 2021 and marks a major milestone for the organization. Receiving the certificate presented by the Foundation’s Managing Trustee Anthony Igecha, the M.D. and C.E.O Mrs Rebecca Miano congratulated...
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KenGen Education Scholarship Success Story: Paul Kibet

Paul Kibet, from Sigor, West Pokot County is an alumnus of the KenGen’s Education Scholarships programme. A former student at Kapenguria Boys Secondary School, class of 2014, he was awarded a full University Scholarship after qualifying to join Kenyatta University where he pursued a degree in Nursing and Public Health of which he graduated with First Class honours. The fourth born son in...
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