Growing the Wonder Trees of the Schools Green Initiative Challenge
The barren and desolate environment of some parts of Kitui replicates itself in some parts of Machakos and Embu counties, the location of KenGen’s 7-Forks power plants. Scattered haphazardly in the landscape are simplified brick kilns, some broken down and long abandoned, while others still spouting wisps of smoke… evidence of illegal and rampant charcoal... Read More
Green Initiative Challenge Expansion Project kicks off with Participating Schools Receiving Tree Seedlings
In anticipation of the annual short rains in April, all the schools participating in the Green Initiative Expansion Project in Embu, Kitui and Machakos counties have received the seedlings of the trees of choice in the “greening” competition, March 2016. The distribution was carried out to coincide with the long rains and after our monitoring... Read More
“Green Teachers” Benefit from Green Initiative Challenge Capacity Building Exercise
In preparation for the kick-off of the GIC Phase 2, school patrons and teachers from institutions participating in the program benefited from capacity building sessions held at various centres in the three counties of Kitui, Machakos & Embu. The training facilitated by the sponsors KenGen Foundation, Better Globe Forestry and Bamburi Cement empowered the participants... Read More
St. Martin Kaewa’s Journey to becoming GIC Champions
When the KenGen Foundation first brought Melia volkensii and Senna ciamea seedlings to St. Martin Kaewa Secondary School, Machakos County, two years ago, the head teacher, Mrs. Margaret Kitavi, presumed that it was for the routine seedlings distribution that the company was doing to local institutions around its areas of operation. Little did she know... Read More
Storing water in sand gives communities water throughout the year
To outsiders, there is little hope to many parts of Kitui County. Poor weather patterns have seemingly rendered the community to the deplorable fate of constant water shortage. But the situation is different in some villages, thanks to simple rainwater harvesting innovations called sand dams. The KenGen team was on a ‘look and learn’ tour... Read More
Eye Opener Trip For KenGen Foundation and Eastern Hydros Staff
Imagine expansive villages in one of the driest parts of the country where each family has its own water dam, and where owning the same is an important status symbol. And did you know that crops don’t need rain to grow, they need water. Simple farming and water harvesting techniques at the Christian Impact Mission’s... Read More
Exciting Gitaru Excursion for the Third GIC Winner School
The continuous rumbling of the turbines at Gitaru Power Plant drown the engineer’s voice as he explains the working of hydro power production to a group of students from Makutano DEB Primary School on 23 February. Despite the machines’ echo, the students shuffle closer to the technician, keen to catch his words as he points... Read More
Second GIC Runners Up had their day at Olkaria
Thirty students from Mwea Primary School, Mbeere South, could not conceal their excitement as they dipped and splashed in the warm therapeutic waters of KenGen’s Olkaria Geothermal Spa, Naivasha on February 10. The students had earlier visited the Olkaria Geothermal Power plant on a look and learn tour where they were also treated to a... Read More
KenGen Foundation Wraps Up Form One Selection for 2016 Education Scholarships
The KenGen Foundation has concluded this year’s secondary schools education scholarships selection with a final list of 31 needy students who will benefit from fully paid for opportunities to further their studies. Working closely with the area CSR committees, liaison officers and the local administration under the Foundation supervision, rigorous background checks on the applicants... Read More
“Givers” Boost KenGen Education Scholarships
Eleven more secondary school students are benefiting from KenGen scholarships this year, thanks to the KenGen Givers and partners. This brings to 31 the number of needy students who have joined various secondary schools countrywide on the KenGen Education Scholarship program. The Foundation in February announced eight extra scholarships to be funded directly by KenGen... Read More