
Green Initiative Challenge Expansion Project kicks off with Participating Schools Receiving Tree Seedlings

In anticipation of the annual short rains in April, all the schools participating in the Green Initiative Expansion Project in Embu, Kitui and Machakos counties have received the seedlings of the trees of choice in the “greening” competition, March 2016. The distribution was carried out to coincide with the long rains and after our monitoring...
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“Green Teachers” Benefit from Green Initiative Challenge Capacity Building Exercise

In preparation for the kick-off of the GIC Phase 2, school patrons and teachers from institutions participating in the program benefited from capacity building sessions held at various centres in the three counties of Kitui, Machakos & Embu. The training facilitated by the sponsors KenGen Foundation, Better Globe Forestry and Bamburi Cement empowered the participants...
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Storing water in sand gives communities water throughout the year

To outsiders, there is little hope to many parts of Kitui County. Poor weather patterns have seemingly rendered the community to the deplorable fate of constant water shortage. But the situation is different in some villages, thanks to simple rainwater harvesting innovations called sand dams. The KenGen team was on a ‘look and learn’ tour...
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KenGen Foundation Wraps Up Form One Selection for 2016 Education Scholarships

The KenGen Foundation has concluded this year’s secondary schools education scholarships selection with a final list of 31 needy students who will benefit from fully paid for opportunities to further their studies. Working closely with the area CSR committees, liaison officers and the local administration under the Foundation supervision, rigorous background checks on the applicants...
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“Givers” Boost KenGen Education Scholarships

Eleven more secondary school students are benefiting from KenGen scholarships this year, thanks to the KenGen Givers and partners. This brings to 31 the number of needy students who have joined various secondary schools countrywide on the KenGen Education Scholarship program. The Foundation in February announced eight extra scholarships to be funded directly by KenGen...
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