3rd Africa Grantmakers Assembly Calls for Stronger Philanthropy Networks
African Grantmakers Network (AGN) is a continent-wide network of African grantmaking organizations that facilitates networking and experience sharing among established and emerging African philanthropic institutions. AGN addresses the weakening of the civic sphere and the relationship between state and non-state actors in the field of philanthropy in Africa. It works to develop the organizational, communication, fundraising, and leadership capacities of African philanthropic institutions.
Every two years, AGN holds an assembly, deliberately designed to offer an opportunity to amplify the African Voice by providing a compelling environment for grantmakers and social investors to probe and debate ways of transforming the African Community.
“Philanthropic networks such as AGN provide a platform for effective philanthropy. Foundations can benefit immensely from a supportive culture of sharing lessons amongst themselves to achieve a shared goal”, said Anthony Igecha, the Foundation’s Senior Programs Officer.
The KenGen Foundation is part of the East Africa Association of Grantmakers network (EAAG), a voluntary membership Association that brings together Trusts and Foundations in the East Africa region with the aim of promoting philanthropy. Membership is drawn from Family Trusts, Community Foundations, Corporate Foundations, and other types of Grantmaking and non-grantmaking organizations interested in promoting philanthropy in the region.
The Foundation continues to seek such opportunities for engagement that will help in achieving our strategic mandate of touching lives and enabling communities.
For more information please contact the KenGen Foundation through [email protected].
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-Ernest Nyamasyo, Communications Officer